Site Policy

About rights and links


  1. In principle, the copyrights to individual information (text, photographs, illustrations, etc.) on this website belong to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Wood Collection Executive Committee. However, the copyrights of some images, etc. are owned by the original authors.
  2. Except for cases permitted under the Copyright Act, such as "reproduction for personal use" and "quotations," no text, images, etc. on this website may be reproduced or reused without permission.

2.Linking to this website

In principle, linking to this website are permitted regardless of whether they are commercial or non-commercial purposes. However, please refrain from setting up links that fall under any of the following or may fall under any of the following cases.

  1. When it includes content that defames or slanders the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the Wood Collection Executive Committee, other companies (or persons), or other organizations, or that is intended to cause loss of trust in the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the WOOD Collection Executive Committee, other companies (or persons), or other organizations
  2. When it infringes or may infringe intellectual property rights such as copyrights and trademarks, property, privacy, portrait rights, or other rights of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the WOOD Collection Executive Committee, other companies (or persons), or other organizations
  3. When there is a possibility of misleading third parties by making it unclear that the contents are those of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the WOOD Collection Executive Committee, such as when this website is displayed within a frame.
  4. In addition to the above items, when there is a risk of violating legal regulations, including laws, ordinances and rules, or public order and morals, or obstructing the operation of this website.
  5. When links are established using logos, symbols, etc. owned by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the WOOD Collection Executive Committee without permission.
  6. When links are established in such a way as to mislead as to the source of the information.

Please acknowledge that the URL of this website is subject to change without prior notice.
Please also note that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the WOOD Collection Executive Committee shall not be liable for any other compensation or complaints relating to linking to this website.

About technologies

1.Recommended operating environment

The following browsers are recommended for safer and more comfortable use of this website.

  1. Latest version of Microsoft Edge
  2. Latest version of Google Chrome
  3. Latest version of Mozilla Firefox
  4. Latest version of Safari

This website can also be viewed on smartphones and tablet devices (iOS and Android).

2.Technologies used

  1. JavaScript
    This website uses JavaScript in some of its contents for a better user experience.
    Please note that if JavaScript is not activated (enabled) in your browser settings, the website may not be displayed or operated correctly.
  2. SSL
    This website uses SSL encrypted communication for some services to improve the level of security.
    To use such services, your web browser must be compatible with 128-bit SSL.
    By using a web browser that supports security functions, personal information, such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers, entered by users is automatically encrypted before being sent or received.
    Even in the unlikely event that a third party intercepts the transmitted data, there is no risk that the contents will be eavesdrop.
    Please note that you may not be able to use this page depending on your firewall or other settings.
  3. PDF
    Adobe Reader from Adobe Systems Incorporated is required to view PDF format files.
    If Adobe Reader is not installed or the contents of the website are not displayed correctly, please download the latest version of Adobe Reader before viewing the website.
  4. Instagram
    For an explanation of the Terms of Use, see the Instragram website.
  5. Facebook
    For an explanation of the Terms of Use, see the Facebook website.

3.Information system security

In order to maintain the safety and accuracy of information assets, we shall strive to prevent unauthorized access, destruction, falsification, loss, leakage, etc., and implement appropriate safety measures.
In handling information assets, we shall comply with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Basic Policy on Information Security, as well as laws, regulations, and other rules.
When outsourcing the processing of information assets, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the WOOD Collection Executive Committee shall ensure that the information is handled under appropriate management.
We will establish a system for continuous improvement to maintain and improve information security.

About legal matters

1. Disclaimer.
No guarantee is given as to the integrity or accuracy of the information contained on this website.
The information on this website is subject to change without prior notice.
We shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages arising from the use of the information or content contained on this website.

2. Prohibited acts
The following acts are prohibited when using this website.

  1. Any acts that impede or interfere with the operation of this website.
  2. Any acts that cause or may cause annoyance, disadvantage, damage to privacy or other damage to other users, third parties or the Company.
  3. Any acts that are or may be contrary to public order and morals
  4. Any acts that violate laws, regulations, or ordinances
  5. Any other acts that Tokyo Metropolitan Government deems inappropriate

3. Governing law and court of jurisdiction
The use of this website and the interpretation and application of the Terms and Conditions herein shall be governed by and construed under the laws of Japan, unless otherwise provided for. The Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance for all disputes relating to the use of this website.


WOOD Collection 2024 “JAPAN ReWOOD” Secretariat